Standard Story Company

How to Find the Creative Collaborators You Need 🎥

Last weekend I wrapped production on my first ever iPhone short film – Witchfish!

Find Creative Collaborators
Shooting on the iPhone 15 Pro, using the Blackmagic Camera app

Overall it was a blast, although I will probably NOT be directing / DP’ing / acting simultaneously in a film again anytime soon lol 😅

I already have an assembly edit, and I don’t think it’ll take too long to take it to the finish line, so look for it on the channel in a week or 2, along with some fun making-of videos.

That said – I’m too busy editing to write a newsletter this week!

So instead, here’s a free video from my (now defunct) Patreon…

You Need More Collaborators

This video explains how to expand your inner circle of creative collaborators and why it’s absolutely crucial for all filmmakers:

By the way, all my best old Patreon videos are included as bonus videos in WRAPPED in 30 Days.

Favorites this week:

📚 Book: Foundation by Isaac Asimov

Somehow I’ve never read an Isaac Asimov novel, despite the fact that he’s considered one of the “big 3” science fiction authors of his time along with Arthur C. Clarke (2001) and Robert Heinlein (Stranger in a Strange Land).

His most successful series of books, Foundation, was recently adapted into an Apple TV series which I haven’t seen, but a sci-fi loving Uber driver I had recently made me promise to watch it. First, I figured I should give it a read.

I burned through the audiobook in just a few days and already started the second book in the series. It’s about a dying intergalactic empire’s attempt to save itself by sending 100,000 scientists to a far-flung planet to prepare for their inevitable dark ages. It reads like an anthology of 5 connected stories because there are huge jumps in time where we meet new characters and get thrust into new crises. It also has a sociological bent, and makes you wonder how predictable humankind as a whole might really be. Interested in seeing where the series goes, and watching the show when it’s done.

💬 Quote: “It has been my philosophy of life that difficulties vanish when faced boldly.” ― Isaac Asimov


Let’s make some movies.


✍️ Want to Write Your Next Short Today?

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🎓 Film School for the Real World

Ready to kick start your own narrative filmmaking?

Join +200 members of WRAPPED in 30 Days where I guide you through every step of writing, producing, & directing your own crowd-pleasing short film in a month.

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