Standard Story Company



The Disciplined Pursuit of Less

Hey friends, Kent here. Sometimes a book really hits you. I recently read one that’s made me rethink not only how I run my business, but how I approach filmmaking. It’s called Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less. The book breaks down the common notion that we can or should try to do it all. It instead recommends ruthlessly eliminating all but the essential in our lives, so that we can live more simply, more happily, and make meaningful progress in what truly matters. This…


Screenwriting like it’s 1975

This issue is a first for me – I’m writing it out on a 50-year-old electric typewriter my girlfriend gave me (thanks Toni!). Why? Am I that much of a hipster? Well you won’t catch me setting this thing up in Starbucks anytime soon. But I love the idea of being forced to type forwards only — no going backwards to re-think or re-word a sentence — especially for writing stories. You’ll never get perfection writing this way, but you will get other benefits that are much more…


RIP David Lynch 😢

As I write this, it’s a sad day for film – David Lynch passed away. Love or hate his work, he was incredibly influential and showed us how dreamy and mysterious cinema can be. I’ll never forget my first time seeing Mulholland Drive, Blue Velvet, Twin Peaks, etc. They opened my eyes to a totally different kind of storytelling. On top of that, he was such a unique and endearing person, which is part of what made his many cameos as an actor so fun to watch (The…


Some sick/fire media for this week

First off – what a wild week. I caught a random virus that knocked me out for 2 days, and then the whole city of LA catches on fire. Fortunately the fires (for now) seem far away enough that they won’t reach us, and I’m feeling back to 100%. Tight on time this week, so here’s just a quick look at what got me through the chaos! The smoke and wind outside my office window this week. This issue of Friday Film Notes is sponsored by: Audiio Audiio has been a game changer…


My new way to set goals for 2025 (that doesn’t rely on will-power)

I’ve spent a lot of time the past week thinking about what goals to set for this new year, and even how best to approach this whole topic. To me, this is the most important thing I’ll do all year. Because no matter how far along in it we already are, there’s always infinite directions we can go in life… And so much happens in the course of one year. So where we choose to direct our energy and focus for even a mere 365 days can create huge changes that will be felt…


The issue I’ve been waiting a year to write…

Happy holidays! Hard to believe 2024 is almost over. This time last year, I set out 3 goals for myself related to work/filmmaking. Here’s how it went and what I’ve learned about working towards long-term goals this year… Goal #1: Write a newsletter every week for a year ✅ With this issue, this goal is officially done. Friday Film Notes has been the most fun experiment of 2024 for me. Partially because the size of the email list has doubled since the beginning of the year -…


Wrapped doors are open! (Here’s a free lesson)

Enrollment is open for the special January session of WRAPPED in 30 Days! Class begins January 2nd, and by the end of the month, you’ll be wrapping a crowd-pleasing film you can be proud of. What a prolific tone to set for 2025, huh? What’s WRAPPED in 30 Days? WRAPPED is my proven, step-by-step system to write, shoot, and edit a crowd-pleasing short film—fast (no matter how small your budget). I teach you everything, AND push you into action to…


A shortcut to writing compelling scenes…

This week, let’s skip all the BS about screenwriting and explore an extremely actionable writing tip… I don’t remember who said this advice originally, but it has stuck with me for years: Put your characters into situations that are impossible to get out of. Then it’s your job as the writer to find a way out. If you succeed, you’ll have a satisfying bit of drama. Let’s give this idea a whirl with a fairly generic example, and see how much it holds up huh? Trapped in a Trunk -…

person holding remote pointing at TV

The big filmmaking lesson working at Netflix taught me

This issue is about control, and how needing to do everything my way has often held me back. So if you’re anything like me, hopefully this email will open your mind to better ways to work in this collaborative medium… This issue of Friday Film Notes is sponsored by: Audiio I just discovered Audiio and it’s a game changer for finding music. Their LinkMatch AI lets you drop in songs from Spotify and pulls similar tracks from their catalog. Huge time saver! Use code…


This issue is filled with typos. Here’s why…

I’m typing this newsletter from the air, on a flight cross-country to celebrate Thanksgiving in Miami with Toni’s family. But I’m also typing it using a application I recently discovered and fell in love with, called Cold Turkey Writer. It suimultaneously makes it MUSCH easier to write these quickly, and encourages an open-mind while typing. Why? Because it completely takes over my computer screen, and will NOT let me quit the application until I’ve met my writing goal -…

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